I had a similar situation with ArrayCollection.  what I do it iterate
through the collection and return the item if I find one that matches. 

I created an ArrayCollectionIterator Class that helps with this.

        public class ArrayCollectionIterator implements IIterator {
                private var collection:ArrayCollection;
                private var nextIndex:Number = 0;
                public function 
ArrayCollectionIterator(collection:ArrayCollection) {
                        this.collection = collection;
                public function hasNext():Boolean {
                        return (this.nextIndex<this.collection.length);
                public function next():Object {
                        if(!this.hasNext()) {
                                throw new Error("No more elements available");
                        var obj:Object = this.collection[this.nextIndex];
                        return obj;
                public function reset():void {
                        nextIndex = 0;

So the idea is I have a function that querys the list and returns the
item if found and null if not.  Then with the calling function I
either add or update based on the response.  Let me know if you need
more specific eexamples.  You should be able to adapt the above Class
to use the XMLListCollection.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "dorkie dork from dorktown"
> I'm trying to find if a row with the same name exists in an XML List
> Collection. The problem is, the e4x I try is not supported by
> XMLListCollection. I keep getting a Error #1123: Filter operator not
> supported on type mx.collections.XMLListCollection.
> Here is my code:
>      public function addNewProject(event:FlexEvent):void {
>          var projectName:String = project.text;
>          var exists:Boolean = projectsList.(@name == projectName);
>          if (!exists) {
>             var newNode:XML = <project name=""/>;
>             [EMAIL PROTECTED] = project.text;
>             newNode.created = new Date();
>             projectsList.addItemAt(newNode, 0);
>          }
>      }
> TypeError: Error #1123: Filter operator not supported on type
> mx.collections.XMLListCollection.

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