This component might help get you down the path to the solution you want. It
does row highlighting, and I'm sure you could easily add in styling if you
want to.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 2/19/07, boy_trike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Am I the only poor slob out here who does NOT want to sub-class a
datagrid to be able to
control for each cell the:

• Background color
• Font Color
• Font Size
• Font Weight

Is it possible that Adobe (or someone who I would be happy to pay $$$ to)
will come out
with a datagrid with an option similar to the labelFunction that has these
4 fields passed to it
so I can easily and programmatically set any of these parameters? Maybe
its because I am
coming from Delphi which has a few different grids that offer these
features that I not
satisfied with the current offerings. Please let me know if there are
developers who feel the same way. (if not, I will assume that I am more
unique than my wife
lets on!) However, I warn you, I do not handle disappointment very well!


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