Hi All,

I'd like to present Tree leaves as value pairs with the first value in
a fixed width space. ie. simple columns.

I attempted to extend TreeItemRender and swap the default
label:UITextField with a VBox containing two UITextFields but am
coming up against a few problems, not the least of which is that I
can't override these:

mx_internal function getLabel():UITextField
protected var label:UITextField

Do I have to write a whole new renderer just for this?

Any tips appreciated.



package components
        import mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer;
        import mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeListData;
        import mx.containers.VBox;
        import mx.core.UITextField;

        public class TwoColTreeItemRenderer extends TreeItemRenderer
        public function TwoColTreeItemRenderer() {

        override protected function createChildren():void
                        if (!label)
                                label = new TwoColLabel() as UITextField; //<-- 
Bad idea, I know :(
                                label.styleName = this;
                        //hopefully creating the label before calling super
                        //will prevent the same block from running in the super 
                        //fingers crossed

package components
        import mx.containers.VBox;
        import mx.controls.Label;
        import mx.core.UITextField;
        public class TwoColLabel extends VBox
                private var _label1:UITextField;
                private var _label2:UITextField;
                private var _style:Object;
                private var _text:String;
                private var _multiline:Boolean;
                private var _wordWrap:Boolean;
                public var delimiter:String = "::";
                public var colWidth:Number = 30;
                public function TwoColLabel():void
                        this.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
                        this.horizontalScrollPolicy = "off";
                        _label1 = new UITextField();
                        _label2 = new UITextField();

                override public function set styleName(value:Object):void
                        _label1.styleName = _label2.styleName = _style = value; 
                override public function get styleName():Object
                        return _style;
                public function set text(value:String):void
                        _text = value;
                        var index:Number        = _text.indexOf(delimiter);
                        if (index>0){
                                _label1.text            = _text.substr(0, 
                                _label1.width           = colWidth;
                                _label2.text            = 
                        } else {
                                _label1.text            = _text;
                                _label2.width           = 0;
                public function get text():String
                        return _text;
                public function set multiline(value:Boolean):void
                        _multiline = value;
                        _label1.multiline = _multiline;
                        _label2.multiline = _multiline;
                public function get multiline():Boolean
                        return _multiline;      
                public function set wordWrap(value:Boolean):void
                        _wordWrap = value;
                        _label1.multiline = _wordWrap;
                        _label2.multiline = _wordWrap;  
                public function get wordWrap():Boolean
                        return _wordWrap;       
                public function get textWidth():Number{
                        return _label1.textWidth+_label2.textWidth;     
                public function set setColor(color:uint):void

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