Have you tried using CDATA around your text when retrieving from your




I use it to store HTML formatted text in a database and to retrieve it
back into any HTML capable control, such as rtfedit or textarea... even
a simple TEXT control as itemrenderer works with this method...



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "pdflibpilot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to develop a method to allow web administrators to be able
> to edit text in their Flex application directly in the UI (without
> Flex). This text gets saved to mySQL when they close the rich text
> editor.
> The data is stored correctly in mySQL however when its retrieved it
> gets formated as an XML object when extracted from the event.result.
> While this makes it easy to populate the various labels and text
> objects with the rich text data. The problem is that the rich text
> data gets formatted as XML with new lines and indents. Like in this
> dmup............
> <contentLive>
> KERNING="0">
> <B>This is </B>
> <FONT COLOR="#0033FF">
> <B>
> <U>live content</U>
> </B>
> </FONT>
> </FONT>
> </P>
> </contentLive>
> How can I force it to treat it as raw text just like its stored in
> mySQL without the formatting ?

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