--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "scott_flex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shaun,
> Thanks for the reply, good to hear some strong objections.
> First, i'm 99.9% sure this is the only app that will be generating 
> ids for this database, but i do agree with that point.  I have full 
> control over all apps that would ever generate PKs for my db, i can 
> make sure they won't conflict.
> I guess the point of a GUID is that I won't have collisions, or the 
> possibility is so small, i'll take my chances, i'm not talking about 
> millions of transactions.
> I did think about creating a temp id and the translating when it 
> comes back down... but i'm trying to avoid having to send someting 
> back down after i post and save my xml to the database.
> Another thought is that when my app loads, i'll just download X 
> number of new ids that are available so i know (since the server gave 
> them to me) they are unused, no collisions.

This is exactly what I do.  I have a pool of ids that get loaded when
the client logs into the app.  Then as I use up id's a get more when
the pool get's too small. Our app can consume more than a dozen of
id's at one time so our pool is quite large, but it has yet to fail
for me.  I was going to suggest this after reading that you were using
these as Primary Keys.  I should note that we don't use our
guids/uuids as Primary keys, they are secondary keys.  Our database
maintains it's own primary key. I forget what it's called but it's one
of those database design patterns that good database admins are
supposed to use. 


> I would say the stragety i'm trying to accomplish is not great for 
> large teams, but in this case, i'm one developer, one database. If 
> this product takes off and makes a ton of money it can always be 
> redesiged later... for now, i'm trying to cut a layer out of all the 
> server side to client ui mapping for sake of development time.
> --Scott

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