I'm working on a paginated datagrid that is so far working fine,
except that I use the next prev adn jump to page design pattern above
the gird.  I recall seeing exactly what you are asking for in html,
like ntobi's live grid for example. I'm sure it wouldn't bee too
difficult to adapt my paged grid to changes "pages" using a scrollbar.
 Let me play around with it a bit and I'll post some code soon.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Danko Kozar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to hear some thoughts about paging implementation on Flex 
> DataGrid.
> The server side implementation isn't a problem - I have a paging 
> routine that fetches chunks of data from a database. This paging 
> works ok with asp.net.
> But, with changing the client-side technology to Flex, I would not 
> like to have a "classic web grid" with page numbers above ( 1 - 2 - 
> 3 - ..etc ) I'd rather like to move from this web-like paging to a 
> more Windows-like paging, e.g. have a DataGrid with a scroller that 
> changes it's height regarding on the percent of currently displayed 
> records.
> My idea is to:
> 1) count a total number of records in the database table
> 2) fill a datagrid with "blank" records (e.g. containing a 
> label "Loading...")
> 3) regarding on the scroller position, update the dataProvider 
> item's that have to be displayed on-screen
> I assume that this method tends to be both memory and processor 
> consuming. So I'd like to hear a better idea. :-)
> ps. Does some Flex "DataGrid with paging" implementation already 
> exist?
> Thanks for answers!

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