Also this really sounds like a bug.  You should report it.

--- In, "Jesse Warden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm extending Canvas.  His base class, Container, decrees on line
4608 that
> all children are behind chrome.  I want the opposite.  I want my chrome
> BEHIND the content; I want the content IN FRONT of my chrome.
> However, since Container does all kinds of crazy over-writting of
> DisplayObject methods and tucks them away in mx_internal and various
> private & final prefix's, I have no clue how to easily make my
chrome inside
> of rawChildren go backwards.  Obviously, setChildIndex doesn't work
at this
> point because the base class owns those methods as proxies now.
> The hack, for now, is to NOT have my chrome draw a background.  If it
> doesn't, I can click on children just fine.  That, however, sucks
because I
> want a background.  Figured 2nd hack is to just set the backgroundColor
> property to my chrome's background, and redraw my chrome as a mask
for the
> background.  That is worse.
> Suggestions?

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