Yeah, the flash player isn't going to have much trouble with most of
what you can throw at it. We have our clients doing a lot of work, but
our servers still do all the heavy lifting. If we ever send XML to the
client anymore it's for AJAX things outside of flex or it's SOAP
requests. Objects will almost always be a better choice.

There are a lot of things that we just won't do on the client, like
text indexing or any other heavy processing unless the user expects
it.  Generally that violates those unwritten social contracts about
what online services can or should do on the client.

--- In, "Tracy Spratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For sure the client/Flash Player can handle whatever you need it to.
> The Flash Player is extremely fast at non-visual processing. We have
> packed incredible amounts of logic into the client, I'm talking 30,000
> plus lines of code.  Most is not visual, but that much code does take a
> bit of time to DL the first itme.  But once it gets to the client
> response is lightning fast. FP7 was fast FP8+ is 30% faster
> So don't sweat the client capability.
> Tracy
> ________________________________
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Kevin
> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 8:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] What to do on the server, what to do in Flex?
> I have a continuous debate with myself about what to accomplish with
> server code and what to accomplish internally with FLEX.   My decisions
> currently are mostly based on my skill level in each language and which
> language makes the process the easiest. However, I am wondering if there
> are better reasons to make these decisions.
> For example, if I am going to gather some XML data...should I?
> 1) Load the XML directly into Flex (URLRequest) and then convert the XML
> to objects in Flex.
> 2) Load the XML in PHP and then convert to PHP objects and send to Flex
> For some reason, I lean towards doing all parsing and object translation
> on the server and only sending objects back and forth to Flex, however,
> I don't know if this is because of my experience with Flash RIA's that
> use to often get stuck in timeout loops.  On the other hand, I have a
> friend who always says "anything you can do on the client, do on the
> client..."  Conceptually, I understand this, but in real life I don't
> know how this plays out.  My thinking is usually that the flash player
> is more limited that the server.
> Anyone have any thought about this?  I would say my apps generally fall
> in the middle of the spectrum.  They don't deal with millions of records
> or millions of users, but they also are not small single user widgets.  
> Thanks for your insight.
> - Kevin

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