It is part of the FB2 install, though the installer does not do it for you.
Assuming you're on Windows, if you look in your WINDOWS\Downloaded
Installations\Adobe Flex Builder 2.0.1\ColdFusion Extensions for Flex
Builder/ folder, you'll see the zip file. Just add it as an archived site
via the usual Eclipse Find and Install functionality.

On 20 Mar 2007 09:21:48 -0700, jamiebadman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hopefully this is a quick'un! I've just installed CF developers
edition and FDS single user SDK - I'd like to use the CF App Wizard
from Eclipse - I'm *sure* it used to be an option to install it at
some stage but I was offered no such option when I installed CF or
FDS... any ideas ? I've looked all over for a separate download for
this to no avail.

Perhaps it's part of the FB2 install ? If so, is there any way I can
install the plugin without having to reinstall FB2 ?



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