Hello Shannon,

Thank you for taking the time to look into this.
I don't really understand what you're doing here...
Are you saying that with your code, you can show in your flash app the
swf or gif that gets writen by the js call ?

The main problem is that the js call may be a call to another js and
so on... until you get to the swf or gif ad !

I'll keep trying your code.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Shannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry I get it now. I read about DART, this is a js call.
> In Flash:
> var dartData = {x:"X",y:"Y",z:"Z"};
> flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("myDartWriterFunc",dartData)
> in Javascript:
> <script>
> <!--
> function myDartWriterFunc(dartData){
>       // parse dartData if applicable
>       document.write('<script language="JavaScript" 
> src="http://ad.fr.doubleclick.net/adj/ts.psycho.com/homepage/index/sky
> ;kw=x;tile\=5;sz=160x320;ord='+jsDartRandom+'?"></script>');
> }
> //-->
> </script>

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