You could do a cutom itemRenderer that is based on a canvas, put a label
for your text (cell value) and overwrite the set data method.

<mx:Label id="myLabel" text=""/>
    import mx.core.*;

override public function set data(data:Object) : void
    if (data != null)
    { = data;
       if ( Number(data.YOURDATAFIELD) < 0 )

       myLabel.text = data.YOURDATAFIELD;




--- In, "rzilist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I need to change the font color on my last DataGridColumn (not the
> ColumnHeader, just the cells) based on the cell value, i.e. if value
> in the cell is negative, change the cell font color to red. I've tried
> various HTMLRenderer classes, but to no avail. Please help!
> Thanks,
> Roman

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