its in the swc with the namespace declared in your own manifest file. add
the cairngorm swc to your project library

On 5/10/07, André Rodrigues Pena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hi there,

I downloaded the CairngormStore 2.1 and tried to compile it with
mxmlc. I got the following error at the file Services.mxml :

Could not resolve: <cairngorm:ServiceLocator>

I think that this is because the compiler is not able to resolve this


I have a doubt. When you define a namespace as an url pointing to the
web, how does the compiler work with this? It's not actually searching
for the namespace at the web because you may be disconnected. How does
it work? How can I solve my compilation problem?

thanks in advance

André Rodrigues Pena



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