While I am trying to resolve it, if anyone has any clue about it that will be great.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at mx.charts.chartClasses::Series/ mx.charts.chartClasses:Series::stripNaNs() at mx.charts.series::LineSeries/ mx.charts.series:LineSeries::updateFilter() at mx.charts.chartClasses::Series/ mx.charts.chartClasses:Series::validateTransform()
        at mx.charts.chartClasses::Series/getRenderDataForTransition()
        at mx.charts.effects.effectClasses::SeriesInterpolateInstance/play()
        at mx.effects::EffectInstance/startEffect()

the above exception only comes when I associate an effect ("SeriesInterpolate" in my case) with the LineSeries. I printed the values of the dataprovider associated with the LineSeries and all the values are NOT Null.

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