Hey Guys, hope you dont mind me leaning on this Board for learning...

I finaly found how to include modules, easy, and a step towards 
seperating code, so thanks all for that help.  Still want to include 
AS files, and other things, but baby steps...

So the question is, I have a basic 2 column design, and on button 
click I want to "nav" to slide away... here is my current code...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; 
layout="absolute" creationComplete="InitApp()">

        <mx:WebService id="wsItems" 
                                   <mx:operation name="GetItems">

        <mx:Parallel id="BlurMoveShow" target="">
            <mx:Blur id="numbersBlur" 
            blurYFrom="20.0" blurYTo="0.0" 
                blurXFrom="20.0" blurXTo="0.0"
    <mx:Sequence id="animateWidth" target="navCanvas">
        <mx:AnimateProperty target="navCanvas" property="width" 
fromValue="1" toValue="0" duration="1000" />

                        public function InitApp():void
        <mx:HDividedBox width="100%" height="100%">
                <mx:Canvas width="200" height="100%" id="navCanvas">
                        <mx:TabNavigator width="98%" height="98%" 
verticalCenter="0" x="5" id="mainNav">
                                <mx:Canvas label="Tab 1">
                                <mx:Canvas label="wd" width="100%" 
                        <mx:Button x="180" y="9" label="&lt;" 
width="20" height="12" fontSize="6" id="btnMin" click="AnimateProperty
                <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Panel width="98%" height="98%" 
layout="absolute" verticalCenter="0">

Im getting an error when I click on the button, I can get the button 
to slide to nothing if I attache that to the mousedownevent.  Im 
still new on seeing how to get things going... 

Any help here?  I am very noob on the tags, so perhaps im using the 
wrong one?

Any help would be appreciated.

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