For days I am looking for a solution how to realize a content overflow for a
box that uses percent width/height or constraints. I will try to describe it
a bit detailed. OK, I create a VBox that uses constraints to set the
position in a component. The VBox contains other children, which can be
sometimes larger as the VBox. In this case should the VBox gets an
vertical/horizontal scrollbar. But what happens is, that the VBox is been
sized to the width/hight of the children, and there are not scrollbars. That
only happens when the VBox uses constraints or percent width/height. When is
set the VBox width/height to hard coded values, that the VBox gets the
scrollbar without problems. But in my case the VBox must have the
So, how can I realize in this case a content overflow for the VBox, like on
a DIV box in HTML? Have anyone an idea? This problem dirves me realy crazy.
Below an sample code to reproduce my problem:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""; layout="absolute">
 <mx:Panel bottom="10" left="10" right="10" top="10" layout="absolute">
  <mx:VBox bottom="5" left="50" right="50" top="5" borderColor="#CCCCCC"
borderStyle="solid" borderThickness="1">
   <mx:Canvas width="800" height="400" backgroundColor="#FFCC00"/>
I appreciate if any could halp me.
Cheers, Artur

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