On Feb 4, 2008, at 6:05 PM, cole_joplin wrote:

Is there an official spec on this somewhere? I'd like to know if FP
has just a narrow window for me to use, or if I have a way to get to
more OpenGL calls. Will OpenGL become available outside of fullscreen

Literally a narrow window - ie, you have no window, it's nothing you can control aside from opening up into fullscreen based on a rectangular region. As of this time, it's only for blitting the screen rect to a larger window - and only for the reason of accelerating video playback from my understanding.

What does Adobe officially support now and what is Adobe
developing for Astro?

Just the fullscreen mode. If you want to know all you can about any hardware acceleration, or any player advances, your first step should be Tinic's blog:


Are there any AIR apps that have done MP4 720p or 1080p?

I'm doing one now actually. The usefulness of such an AIR application at 1080 is pretty minimal considering barely no body has a monitor that can display that resolution.720 looks great though.



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