I have subclassed the popupbutton to include a data grid (advanced or
std) to create a multi-column combo box. 

This has all worked fine in Flex 2.0. 

In Flex 3 when the same component is used in a module that has the
framework as external rsl's and deployed to JBoss it fails to popup.
The data is set into the grid, but it appears that the
commitProperties() is not being called and therefore the popup
listeners not being added, but I am not 100% sure of this.

When I put the same component into a project that has the framework
merged into code and run locally from the filesystem it works fine !

Has anyone else seen something like this ?

I have seen the issues relating to the popup being removed from stage
but I don't think this is happening although I haven't tried to test
for this.

Any advise appreciated



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