I'm a bit frustrated here and hope someone can point out where I've gone wrong.

I've got a repeater that is drawing out 4 circles and binding to a Singleton class' variable via binding -- all this works well the first time -- the Singleton class is loading in xml that holds the x/y and size coords for these 4 circles.

I want to load in the next 4 circles xml and have the repeater redraw these 4 circles - how best to do this? If I'm using a custom canvas to draw these 4 circles; should the canvas itself redraw upon the CircleData.getInstance().currentCircle change?!?

If it's not clear what I'm doing, here's some code.

main.mxml is drawing out a CircleLayout.mxml as a component (Canvas), and inside there is:

<mx:Repeater id="rep" dataProvider="{CircleData.getInstance().currentCircle.circle}"> <mx:Button x="{Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])}" y="{Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])}" width="{(Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])*defaultSize)}" height="{(Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])*defaultSize)}" styleName="{String([EMAIL PROTECTED])}" label="{String([EMAIL PROTECTED]).toUpperCase()}" useHandCursor="{CircleData.getInstance().isEdit}" buttonMode="{CircleData.getInstance().isEdit}"/>
</mx:Repeater >

And within the CircleData class:

public function setCircleData(event:Event):void{
        circlesList = new XML(xmlURLLoader.data);
        pos = circlesList.item.length()-1;
        var tmp:XMLList = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
        // change this datelist constructor to have id# of cirlce items
        dateList = new ArrayCollection();
        for(var i:uint=0; i<tmp.length(); i++){
                dateList.addItem({label: tmp[i], data:i});
public function loadCircles(newPos:Number):void{
        currentCircle = circlesList.item[pos];

And the combo box is really just doing CircleData.getInstance().loadCircles(pos)

But the repeaters aren't firing off the redraw again?

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