I've got 4 NumericSteppers; and the problem I'm having is one I can't  
get my head 'round: the values of all the NumericSteppers have to add  
up to 100.

On the whole I could easily check via a 'submit' button if they don't  
addup, but I'd like to check on any of the stepper's 'change' function  
-- what I was thinking was:

As a one is going up, the maximum of all the others goes down in a  
cycle (ie if someone is putting numB, then C then D -- they're max  
slowly goes down.

If the max value of a numeric stepper meets the current value of that  
stepper, and there's no more 'room' -- then the user can't keep  
increasing the size of the current numeric.

Is this making sense? In other words, how does one tie in the value of  
one stepper with another to equal 100. Sure, having 2 steppers makes  
it easier somewhat, but with 4 I don't know how best to pay attention  
to them all while still keeping the numbers validating.

I'd appreciate any thoughts.

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