I've read this article on giving the id of a child the currentItem.Name of a repeater:


The trouble is my xml is using attributes such as this:

<circle type="work" x="100" y="300" percent="25" />

Now on the whole most of what I'm doing to get at attributes works EXCEPT for the id:

<mx:Repeater id="rep" dataProvider="{CircleData.getInstance().currentCircle.circle}"> <mx:Button x="{Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])}" y="{Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])}" width="{(Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])*defaultSize)}" height="{(Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])*defaultSize)}" styleName="{String([EMAIL PROTECTED])}" label="{String([EMAIL PROTECTED]).toUpperCase()}" useHandCursor="{CircleData.getInstance().isEdit}" buttonMode="{CircleData.getInstance().isEdit}" mouseMove="mouseMoveCircle(event);circleOffsetClick(event)" toolTip="{'At the moment '+ String([EMAIL PROTECTED])+' is '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'% of my life at the moment'}" addedEffect="blur" />
</mx:Repeater >

I can't get the currentItem type and making that the id by id="{String([EMAIL PROTECTED])}" I can't even 'fake it' with the currentIndex or anything: id="{String(rep.currentIndex)}".

Is there any way around this?

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