Weird - this DOES work:

<mx:NumericStepper id="num" y="410" value="{CircleData.getInstance().currentCircleArray[0].percent}" change="{CircleData.getInstance().currentCircleArray[0].percent = num.value }" maximum="100"/>

where as I'm flagged that the square brackets don't work.
Any idea how to make a buttons x/y in it's center so these scale nice as opposed to off to the top left?

On Apr 21, 2008, at 12:29 AM, grimmwerks wrote:

Ok - well I've created a Circle class that is entirely bindable. I've:

package scribe
        import mx.controls.Alert;
        public class Circle
                public var percent:Number;
                public var x:Number;
                public var y:Number;
                public var type:String;
                public function Circle(obj:Object){


Strange thing is in the numeric stepper I had during dev -- it can get the current value of the first circle by: value="{CircleData.getInstance().currentCircleArray[0].percent}" displays the correct amount, but value ="{CircleData.getInstance().currentCircleArray.getItemAt(0).percent}"

Does not...

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