you can do this to:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:TextInput xmlns:mx="";
creationComplete="initThis()" displayAsPassword="true"
borderStyle="none" alpha="0.0" focusEnabled="true">



private function initThis():void


this.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, changeState);

this.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, changeState);


private function changeState(event:FocusEvent):void


if(event.type == FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN)


currentState = 'selected';



currentState = '';






<mx:State name="selected">

<mx:SetProperty name="alpha" value="1.0"/>

<mx:SetStyle name="borderStyle" value="solid"/>




--- In, "Dennis Falling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have an editable DataGrid that displays usernames and masked
> (********). To hide the password, I'm just using an inline item
> <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="password" headerText="Password"
> editorDataField="text" rendererIsEditor="true">
> <mx:itemRenderer>
> <mx:Component>
> <mx:TextInput displayAsPassword="true" borderStyle="none"/>
> </mx:Component>
> </mx:itemRenderer>
> </mx:DataGridColumn>
> This works exactly how I want it to, with very little code...except it
> doesn't look too hot when that row is selected: the TextInput always
has a
> solid white background whether it's selected or not. Is there an easy
> to tell it to make it not show a background except when selected
> like the default item editor)? I've listened to the various edit
events but
> can't figure out a clean way of doing this.
> Thanks!

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