Load a proxy SWF which checks/sets a LocalSharedObject for a cookie/timestamp. 
If timestamp reached, lead main app swf with getTime() string on the filename; 
if not then load just the SWF filename, so the browser takes the SWF from the 
cache. You can set the timestamp artificially short for debugging so that it 
always takes it form the server.

I've seen this done for login proxies which autofill the user/pass fields, then 
refresh them with blank ones after a certain time, or which query the server 
whether an update to the app has been issued, which resets the timestamp/cookie.


Joseph Balderson, Flash Platform Developer | http://joeflash.ca

Brian Raymes wrote:
> Ah! That's a better approach, if you want a new swf loaded every time.
>  Though, there should be a way to only load the swf if it has been
> updated.
> Obviously, we don't want the user to download the swf to determine
> whether or not a time stamp has changed, but how about some other
> server-side check, lets say, through the html file? Is it possible?
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Joseph Balderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> if you use SWFObject in your index.template.html or in your final
> HTML, and 
>> append the following js, the browser will never get the swf from the
> browser cache:
>> ... "mySwf.swf?"+(new Date()).getTime() ...
>> This will append a unique number at the end of the swf filename,
> making the 
>> browser think it's always a new file.
>> or you could just clear the cache before every in-browser test.
>> _______________________________________________________________
>> Joseph Balderson, Flash Platform Developer | http://joeflash.ca
>> Brian Raymes wrote:
>>> I have had similar problems when using I.E. 7/8.  Firefox has been
>>> more consistent, but Safari (my least favorite browser) seems to be
>>> working the best.
>>> It appears to me that swfs are cached inconsistently.  If I update a
>>> swf, I expect my browser to load the new version.  I have had to
>>> delete my browser cache way too often to remedy this.
>>> If you are using ColdFusion as a mediator, add this to the top of your
>>> index.cfm (or whatever name yours) to help force a re-load the swfs
>>> every time.  You might be able to accomplish this without ColdFusion
>>> in the basic html template as well.
>>> <cfheader name="Cache-control" value="no-cache, no-store,
>>> must-revalidate, max-age=-1">
>>> <cfheader name="Pragma" value="no-cache, no-store">
>>> <cfheader name="Expires" value="-1"> 
>>> I would rather my browser detect new versions of swfs... I don't like
>>> having to re-download every page visit.  The software I am working on
>>> must be loaded consistently if a change is made on my end.  It is
>>> important for my customers to see everything up-to-date.
>>> Let me know if you find a better solution.
>>> Brian
>>> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Ryan Schlig" <ryan.schlig@> wrote:
>>>> I am having problems viewing the changes in my application on
> refresh.
>>>> I have to actually close my browser and open up a new session
> before my
>>>> changes will be seen.  This is not only a local problem, it also
> happens
>>>> when I push out new versions of my application to our servers. 
> It seems
>>>> as though IIS is not detecting a change in the html or swf. 
> Anyone else
>>>> ran into this and found a solution?
>>>> Ryan Schlig
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