Hi all,

Just a behavior that is perplexing and maybe someone could shed a light to the true core of the matter. I have a PopUpButton which on itemClick changes to a different state, the following is thrown:

Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference

I debugged and realised that this is down to the fact that the PopUpButton is actually not present in the new state, the null object is thrown when the PopUpButton Class tries to reference the _popUp instance. So the instance is not present in the new state but why should that be throwing an error? A closer look seemed to reveal that when I click the PopUpButton it runs my declared method and also fires a close event that results in running a method displayPopUp to show/ hide the popup menu, I guess timing is an issue here cos obviously that popup is no longer there for it to hide ( the point here the error is thrown - Line 772).

My way around this is to use the callLater() method for changing the state and this solves it fine. However, I am unsure if this should be an issue in the first place. Has anyone else discovered issues with navigation and states and is this an expected behavior?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="vertical" creationComplete="initApp();">
                <mx:State name="newtriks">
                        <mx:RemoveChild target="{p_one}"/>
                        import mx.events.MenuEvent;
                        import mx.controls.Menu;
                        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                        private var p_one_data:ArrayCollection;
                        private var s_menu:Menu;
                        private function initApp():void
                                p_one_data = new ArrayCollection([
                {label: "One", data: "one"},
                {label: "Two", data: "two"},
                {label: "Three", data: "three"}
                s_menu = new Menu();
                s_menu.dataProvider = p_one_data;
s_menu.addEventListener( MenuEvent.ITEM_CLICK, siteHandler );
                p_one.popUp = s_menu;
                         * Causes a problem
                        private function siteHandler( e:MenuEvent ):void
                                this.currentState = 'newtriks';
                         * Work around
                         private function siteHandler( e:MenuEvent ):void
                                callLater( changeMyState, ['newtriks'] );
                         private function changeMyState( where:String ):void
                                this.currentState = 'newtriks';
        <mx:PopUpButton id="p_one" label="p_one"/>



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