I am trying to keep track of changes to an ArrayCollection.  I have so
far got all of the CollectionEventKind working except for UPDATE.  It
actually does add that a change was made for UPDATE, however, it
doesn't actually save what the change was that was made.

e.g. CollectionChange fires, and I store it in an ArrayCollection.
However, when I debug what was actually stored, I get a
CollectionEvent, with an "items" array of 1 PropertyChangeEvent, which
has a source object with the new values and shows the correct property
that was changed, however, both the newValue and oldValue properties
of the PropertyChangeEvent are both null.

I'm trying to figure out how to get at the data before it is changed.
 I capture the CollectionChange event, but at that point, the data has
already changed (as is evidenced by the PropertyChangeEvent showing
the new values and none of the old values).

Does anyone know what I can override to capture the changes before
they are actually made to the ArrayCollection itself.  This way I
could even use my own createUpdateEvent to store the values.


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