I'm running through the " Creating your first AIR application with the Flex SDK"
And I get all the way to the end, everything is working okay until I
get here : Create the AIR installation file

I create the sampleCert.pfx
and I go to compile the .air file and this is what I get...

C:\Flex3-SDK\bin>adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore
../HelloWorld/sampleCert.pfx ../HelloWorld
/HelloWorld.air ../HelloWorld/HelloWorld-app.xml ../HelloWorld/HelloWorld.swf
password: yep
absolute path: C:\Flex3-SDK\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.swf
  adt -package SIGNING_OPTIONS <air-file> <app-desc> FILE_ARGS
  adt -prepare <airi-file> <app-desc> FILE_ARGS
  adt -sign SIGNING_OPTIONS <airi-file> <air-file>
  adt -checkstore SIGNING_OPTIONS
  adt -certificate -cn <name> ( -ou <org-unit> )? ( -o <org-name> )? (
-c <country> )? <key-type> <p
fx-file> <password>
  adt -help

(I created the PATH variable but I believe I need to reboot in order
for that to take which is why you see the ../ stuff).
Anyways, there's no error there, but there's no HelloWorld.air file in
the HelloWorld directory..
I've followed the instructions, I can run the debugger and see the
window, the files are there (the .xml, .swf), just no .air..
What's up with this?


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