>From G3PLX:

I just checked my two soundcards for the low-frequency roll-off. My new 
Firebox is 2.4dB down at 1.8Hz and the MP3+ is 1.5dB down at 1.2Hz. And that 
was done quickly by linking line-out to line-in, so it includes the LF 
roll-off of the transmit side too.  I am quite certain the music business 
wouldn't touch a soundcard that rolled-off at 200Hz.

The LF roll-off is really not a problem for zero-IF anyway. Even if you put 
the oscillator right in the centre, which theoretically puts a deep narrow 
null in the passband, I defy anyone to notice it's there on an SSB signal. 
There are ways to eliminate this null completely, but I really don't think 
we need to do it.

To Ahti:  I have never seen 1/f noise in my zero-IF work (I designed such a 
receiver before I retired, for HF GMDSS working).  The local oscillator 
radiation problem looks just like 1/f noise, but that can be fixed once it 
is recognised. It's also possible that poor post-mixer design could result 
in supply-line noise being a problem (this has a 1/f spectrum), but the 
post-mixer amplifier design of the SDR1000 kit is excellent in this respect. 
If 1/f noise was present, it would show as a noise peak at the centre of the 
output spectrum. There is no such peak.

If, as Frank says, the SDR1000 software can do zero-IF already, has anyone 
done any tests with it? What were the results? Were there any problems? Has 
the local oscillator radiation problem gone now that the RF amplifier is in 
place?  I think it's worth looking at this area again. The 22kHz image 
problem will be tolerated by SDR1000 fans but this is surely not a proper 
solution. My GMDSS receiver would not have gained it's approval certificate 
if the operator had to balance the image rejection each time he changed 


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