What he said!

Jim Lux wrote:

>At 06:36 AM 9/20/2006, Robert McGwier wrote:
>>I believe that Peter has probably hit on the correct interpretation.  If
>>so (and I will test this today) and TortoiseSVN is NOT giving a "cannot
>>write" error message,  this is a bug since this cannot be allowed to happen.
>>Windows locks dll's that are in use and refuses to allow them to be
>More properly, Windows locks dlls that it *thinks are in use*, which 
>may or may not be the actual case.  It's not unheard of for a program 
>to terminate (typically abnormally) and for Windows to not realize 
>that the dll is now free. More likely in complex programs with lots 
>of interacting dlls.  Especially if one dll calls things in another 
>dll.  There is a tool around that lets you look at what Windows is 
>thinking, but I can't recall the name.  I just reboot before doing 
>things like installations.
>Jim, W6RMK 

Robert W. McGwier, Ph.D.
Center for Communications Research
805 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
(sig required by employer)

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