On 7/11/07, Bob McGwier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...It is strongly correlated and we should be able to
> derive a "filter" that will predict a version of the signal that is IN
> your passband.  The property of the signal we will optimize on is to
> reduce the energy of the interference to the best of our ability...

Lest we become prematurely enthusiastic...this is a ways off, at least as a
routine procedure. Leaving aside the purely technical issues involved, we
still need to be aware that *any* processing of this kind is going to
involve significant latency. Like any kind of error correction, it depends
on having a certain amount of leading data to chew on, with results that can
be applied retrospectively to the output data stream. Based on what we know
now, the necessary latency will be of roughly the same order as you get from
robust digital voice on HF.

*However* there is another approach which will yield far lower latency but
at the expense of voice quality (although not intelligibility). This
approach involves inserting a vocoding stage between the radio demod and the
audio output. The result will be approximately cellphone-quality speech, but
close to instantaneous response. The interference mitigation operates not on
the signal but rather on the reduced vocoder coefficients. This is a lossy
procedure, and there's no way to reconstruct what's thrown away in the
compression process. But it reduces dramatically the search and computation
space for both the inverse interferer filter and and cleaned-up signal of

If ever there were a reason to have all the DSP processing on a separate
general-purpose CPU host, this kind of cleanup would surely have to rank
near the top.

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