I think that one of you brainiacs may be able to give me some pointers.  I
have only had the Flex-5000 since last Friday and have been trying to get it
tweaked mainly for cw and digital modes.

Although I have been able to get the VAC and VCOM links working between
PowerSDR/Flex-5000/MixW, I can't find optimum settings.

Here is my best description of the waterfall display on MixW: signal is
bright yellow with fuzzy dirty blue extending to the edge of the set filter
width (set with PowerSDR) with horizontal blue streaks extending out to the
edge of the display.  Also, there appears to be some horizontal gaps in the
display.  When I first got it running, MixW did a great job decoding cw and
the digital modes, but now it rarely works with cw and I haven't tried it
again on BPSK-31.

I am currently using a low Rx setting on the PowerSDR VAC setup: -32.  The
problem still exists if I go to -40.  If I increase the virtual audio
strength, the MixW waterfall goes from red/yellow/blue for the same areas.
Unfortunately, the MixW help files don't work presently with Visa.  Also, I
finally figured out where Vista hides the MixW-related log files: C://*your
computer name*/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files/MixW!

Here is my setup and settings at this time:

-  Dell Dimension E520, Intel core 2, 2.13 Ghz, 3070 Mb RAM, 32-bit Vista
-  PowerSDR V1.10.2
-  VAC 4
-  VCOM (latest version)
-  MixW 2.18
- Contour Shuttple Pro2 with latest Vista driver

Settings for VAC 4
- SR 11025 .. 96000, BPS 8..16, VC disabled, MS per int 7 msec, cable

Settings for VCOM
- COM 6 TO 16
- COM 7 TO 17
- COM 8 TO 18
- COM 9 TO 19

PowerSDR VAC settings
- 512 buffer
- 58000 sample rate
- Rx -32
- Tx -3

Flex-5000 Settings
- 96kHz sample rate
- buffer 1024

MixW sound device settings:
- Device: Computer soundcard
- Input: Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable)
- Output: Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable)
- Samplerate: 12000
- Clock adjustments: both 0
- Sound history: 20 sec
- Spectrum speed: x4
- DSP filter: none
- FFT window: Hamming
- Full duplex: checked
- Audio processing: Callback function (DirectX)

Any suggestions GREATLY appreciated.  Also, if you have any good cw-related
suggestions, I am all ears!


Craig, AE7I
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