And I don't even play one on TV!
I still need to call my daughter to come set the time on the VCR.

I don't care a hoot about esoteric programming languages.
I don't even understand English....

But I am a DXer and a Contester.
I've won contests, I'm amoung the top on 9band DXCC and Challenge.
And it took lots of time and sweat to get my Flex5K working with my logging 
and contest programs.
I just recently (with a lot of handholding on Steve's part) interfaced my 
Flex/PWSDR with my Quadra amp for full automatic band changing.

I realize this is a exercose om mental gymnastics for most of you braniacs.
But if you plan to quit or stop using windows as I know it, in favor of some 
system that will not work with my logging and contest program, then give me 
a refund on my 5K right now so I can get a rig that will.

I like my 5K, I like the panadaptor and the rigs sensitiviy/selectivity.
But I won't like not being able to continue in my area of the hobby if you 
decide in favor of an OS that is not compatible with the programs I use.

I demonstrated my Flex and PWSDR at a meeting, and the most strident comment 
Will it work with my 'stuff', and will it work with my 'stuff' tommorrow.

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