See comments below.

Clay  W7CE

This also gets back to click-tuning. To me click-tuning is perhaps the most awkward feature of PowerSDR. Our brains expect things to stay in place and not jump from one place to another. Right now when I use click-tuning the entire display jumps to center on the new frequency. This makes historic information in the waterfall 100% useless. It also means that my natural tendency to make a small correction by moving the mouse slightly and clicking again (or trying at that point to drag- tune) insures that I will now be tuned to never-never land with no clue as to where the station I *was* trying to tune now is on the display (if at all). This certainly makes "pouncing" a [very frustrating to me] challenge.

I agree. I would definitely like a feature where the display would stay locked when you click on the panadapter. This could be selected with a check box next to the pan slider. The RX frequency would shift but everything else would stay in place. To scroll the panadapter you could use the mouse wheel, click and drag the panadapter or manually enter a new frequency. Much of my operating takes place in small portions of the band (160M/80M DX, 6M from 50.125 to 50.200, etc). It would be nice to be able to select a static panadapter and move around within that fixed window.

And while I am on this rant, why does the layout of controls for RX2 have to be so totally different from RX1? When switching between receivers is makes me crazy to have to stop and carefully scan the screen to locate the button I want because it is in a totally different location on the RX2 pane than it is in the RX1/TX pane. I would love to have two virtually-identical RX panes with a separate TX pane with some easy way to say, "oh by the way, TX is tied to RX1 or RX2." Heaven forbid that we should provide a way to decouple all three!

I had the same thought the first time I used RX2. I'd like to see identical sets of controls. Personally, I'd move the RX1 controls and meter on the left side of the display, change the current RX1 controls to RX2 and move all of the controls currently on the left side of the display to the bottom (where RX2 currently is). In other words, just rotate the three sets of controls counter clockwise by one position. That way the RX1 meter and controls would be next to VFOA, and the RX2 Meter and controls would be next to VFOB. I'm sure there are other layouts that would also work well.

BTW, I wasn't sure if I would like using the mouse to change frequencies, but I've found that I prefer it to a conventional tuning knob. There are several ways to change frequency and between them I can move from one portion of the band to another (e.g., CW to phone) more quickly than with a conventional knob. It only took a little practice with point and click to jump to the correct frequency for phone or CW stations. Overall, I'm very pleased with the way the PowerSDR/Flex 5000A combo works, and I fully expect that I'll sell off my old rigs in the near future.

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