CAT commands are only accessible extensions of the software program get/set
properties, when/if Flex adds the properties, I will be more than happy to
add the CAT commands to expose them.  Bear in mind that programming
resources are finite, for each enhancement moved to the top of the list,
another gets shoved back down. 

Bob Tracy, K5KDN

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Lee A Crocker
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 6:40 AM
To: Flexradio
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] More Flex in contesting

The other thing that is lacking for external program control of SO2R are a
few CAT commands specific to triplex operation

In the transceiver environment there is basically a VFOA and a VFOB, but in
the triplex environment there is also a VFOC, the TX VFO.  What is needed is
a CAT command that tells the world that PSDR is in triplex mode, and a CAT
command that sends what would be transmit data usually sent to VFO B, to VFO
C when in triplex mode.

I would also like to see a revamp of the memory system so you could memorize
the data in all three VFO's and recall any or all of that data, and maybe
some macro function that links what you want linked when operating SO2R or
diversity mode.  For example I would love to clone virtually all of RX1's
settings into RX2 when I am running diversity.  If I turn on the NB in RX1 I
want that also turned on in RX2  If I change bandwidth in RX 1 I want the
same change in RX2, but I would also like to be able to turn that function
off in case I want to try something specific like maybe have my RX offset to
350 in one RX and 500 in the other RX with filters shaped around those
offsets or something.  It would work like the sync for the VFO's.  By having
a macro command set I could sync what I want sync'd and not sync what I
don't want sync'd

I spoke to Steve K5FR and he is willing to modify DDUTIL to make it triplex
agile for programs that are trying to send TX data to VFO B and have that
data shuttled to VFO C.  You could set that up as a check box in the RCP
whether you want the data to be triplex agile 

Hopefully by expanding the CAT set other programmers may then chose to
include those PSDR specific CAT commands in their CAT set, but until the
commands exist nothing will get done.

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