Thanks for the update Greg. Going to separate VHF/UHF connectors is an excellent idea and will make my intended use of the VU-Module easier. I have no problem waiting for the upgrade until you guys are satisfied that you have it right.

Clay  W7CE

----- Original Message ----- From: "Greg Jurrens" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 11:49 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] VU-Module status update

Dear FLEX and FLEXEDGE Reflectors:

Today I sent an update to all those that have placed pre-orders for the
FLEX-5000 VU-Module.  I thought it would be good to post this information on
the reflectors in case I have some incorrect email addresses.  Please let me
know if you ordered a VU-Module but didn't get a separate email from me
today.  I'm sure there are others that are watching our progress and would
be interested.

Thanks for the bandwidth and have a good weekend.

Dear VU-Module customer:

You are receiving this email because you currently have a FLEX-5000
VU-Module on order.  We would like to update you on the status of the VU
project:  The initial design, development, and prototyping stages of the
VHF/UHF module have gone as expected with very good results.  We've had the
typical issues that most challenging designs face but we've worked through
them.  When we began final integration of the VU-module into the FLEX-5000
for the Alpha stage, we discovered that the UHF noise figure performance
degraded below our standards.  The root cause turned out to be the switching
matrix we believed was required to integrate both VHF and UHF onto the
existing RFIO interface board.  The FLEX-5000 was originally designed to
support only a single low power VHF transverter.  UHF operation was never
contemplated in the design.  This is a case where FlexRadio was trying to be
"All things to all operators" and the design crashed headlong into reality.

The good news is that the solution is straightforward:  We've made the
decision this week to bypass the complex switching and dedicate the existing
connector for VHF only.  We then will add a new connector for UHF.  This
drastically simplifies the switching matrix routing path from your antenna
to the VU-Module receiver pre-amplifiers. It also removes the need for an
external "Antenna Switching Box" to split out VHF and UHF connectors for
duplex work such as satellite operations.  Going with separate RF paths for
VHF and UHF is a win-win for performance and flexibility.  Just to review
some of the final features:

VHF Range: 144MHz - 148MHz
UHF Range - 430MHz - 450Mhz
TX Power: Low - 50mW.  High - Variable 6W to 60W (60w version)
Low Noise Preamplifier-based (<1dB NF) receiver front end
Switchable IF amplifier gain (Useful when using remote pre-amplifiers)
Full Duplex modes
Simultaneous VHF, UHF, or HF operation with optional second receiver
FM Operation including CTCSS
Very sophisticated transverter interface software
Plus.. all the great features that our PowerSDR software has to offer!

The change we've made to the VU-Module architecture has forced us to do a
redesign of the VU-Base board.  This will impact our already delayed
schedule.  Our current production planning process now shows that we should
begin accepting early customer radios into FlexRadio Systems for the
VU-Module upgarde in March.  Our plan is to schedule radios in on a weekly
basis for upgrade.  To expedite this process, we have already added support
staff to focus on this work.  Please note that we must issue you a Return
Material Authorization (RMA) number BEFORE you ship your radio to FlexRadio
Systems.  You will receive an email with your RMA and shipping instructions
when we are ready for your radio.  We're happy to work with you for special
handling or to add other upgrades.  Please contact for

We understand many people placed orders for the VU-Module several months ago
expecting delivery at the end of the year and we apologize for the
additional delay.  FlexRadio Systems is a customer and technology driven
organization and we know as a current FLEX-5000 owner, you demand the
highest performance.  The design change we've made to the VU-Module will
deliver the performance and features you expected when you placed your
VU-Module order.  Please be assured that we haven't charged your credit card
and will not until we are ready to ship your upgraded unit back to you.  If
you have any specific concerns or questions, please contact us at or via telephone at 512-535-5266.

Thank you for your patience and your continued business with FlexRadio
Systems.  We are just as anxious and excited as you to get the VU-Module "on
the air" very soon.  Watch for updates and more pictures on our website at .

Thanks and 73,

Greg Jurrens - K5GJ
VP, Sales and Marketing
FlexRadio Systems Inc.
Phone: 512-535-5266
“Tune in Excitement” ™
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