The new DLL works here. I'm now running a 5000A and a 1500 concurrently on an Intel I7-860/P55 machine (Asus P7P55D motherboard). Thanks!

Clay  W7CE

On 11/20/2010 5:39 AM, Tim (W4TME) wrote:
To all FLEX-1500 Users,

As you are probably aware, there have been some installation and operational issues related to the new USB streaming device driver for the FLEX-1500. These issues, which didn't show up during alpha testing, effect a small percentage of FLEX-1500 users. There were actually several individual issues that arose during the public beta testing including difficulty getting the drivers to install properly to adverse interactions with using certain newer USB chipsets (controllers).

The FlexRadio development team has been working very diligently to characterize the issues over the past two weeks and believe that they understand the problems fairly well. As a result of those efforts, there is an updated FLEX-1500 Driver Patch Kit for PowerSDR v2.0.16 (Rev.D) along with a multi-procedure troubleshooting guide that describes how to install the FLEX-1500 Driver Patch Kit for PowerSDR v2.0.16 along with additional troubleshooting steps to get your radio operational using PowerSDR v2.0.16. If none of these troubleshooting procedures resolve your problems, there is a final procedure for reverting back to PowerSDR v2.0.8 which uses the higher latency Windows sound card drivers.

Please feel free to contact FlexRadio Support ( if you need assistance in running any of the troubleshooting procedures and particularly if none of the procedures work for your setup, as we need to collect this information in order to better understand the issues and get them resolved before the next beta release of PowerSDR 2.0.x

The FLEX-1500 Driver Patch Kit for PowerSDR v2.0.16 Installation & Troubleshooting Guide can be downloaded here:

The updated FLEX-1500 Driver Patch Kit for PowerSDR v2.0.16, rev D. can be downloaded here:

FlexRadio Systems Internet Systems Admin.
Product Verification Team
Tune In Excitementâ„¢

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