At 02:21 PM 12/20/2011, Neal Campbell wrote:

Another toy I got a couple of weeks ago (and haven't had a chance to report
back to you guys) is the Hercules MP3 controller. MAN WHAT A GREAT

ABSOLUTELY - I got one a couple weeks ago and am delighted with it. Enough knobs and buttons to allow you to devote individual functions to a given knob/button - none of this double-click versus single click stuff and no menus to navigate.

I had gotten completely comfortable with the mouse operation, but the Hercules opens up a completely new operational style.

What sold me was that PowerSDR V2.2.3 was used as the basis for the current Hercules-compatible PowerSDR. If we never get another Hercules-compatible update, I can probably live with 2.2.3.

I LOVE THIS THING! I hope Flex can find a way to incorporate it into their future plans - it definitely enhances PowerSDR.

Jerry W4UK

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