The problem with inexpensive "12 V" amps is that they only have 12 Volts to work with, so that limits how much power they can put out. I suppose for our kind of use that's not much of a problem, as with good speakers, even 5~6W can be deafening!

Parts Express has quite a few automobile power amps at a reasonable price, so you might want to try there.

73, Jim

On 01/29/2012 10:48 PM, J.Gordon Beattie, Jr., W2TTT wrote:
Jim et al,
Does anyone have a suggestion for a 12V audio amplifier that we can use in
portable/mobile environments where there will be RF fields?  Shielding and
bypassing are key in portable/mobile environments because of the proximity
issues they bring.  I would also consider using a decent audio amplifier and
separate speakers along with my Sirius Radio head instead of plugging it
into my truck stereo system if one were available.  Previously, I bought a
semi-kit from Carl's Kits, but the amplifier used balanced outputs which
required both leads to float above ground.  I never was able to properly
bypass the outputs even though the amplifier was in a shielded box.
Any thoughts?

Thanks&  73,
Gordon Beattie, W2TTT

I'm using a "PylePro" PCA2 amp with some RadioShack/RCA mini bookshelf
speakers whenever I want room filling audio.

MOST of the time I use my Radiosport headset, but once in a while it's
nice to have the speakers on, like when I have a visitor over and want
to show off how well the Flex 5000 handles QRM!

73, JIm  KQ6EA

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