At 11:40 AM 2/19/2012, Brian Lloyd wrote:
On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 7:20 AM, Drax Felton <> wrote:

> Isnt long wave where amateur radio got its start anyhow?   We've come full
> circle.

Yeah, probably. Heinrich Hertz' initial experiments were in the microwave
spectrum but Marconi ended up going for longer and longer waves. By the
time wireless communications became commercial anything shorter than 200m
was considered unusable. As a result hams were forced into that spectrum.
But experimentation showed it was in many ways more usable than the long

I am not sure why I would want to operate at 600m tho'.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL

Same reason that people want to climb mountains... because they are there.

According to the history I learned about Ham radio the reason we got the shorter waves is that there was a solar minimum at the time the spectrum was being evaluated, and it looked like the short waves were not commercially valuable.

Jerry W4UK

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