Wayne, I immediately suspected RFI as well but... How can I have RFI with the drive set to zero and a dummy load on the output? That should seriously reduce the RF available to make I. Either of these actions should eliminate any near field problems but with belt and suspenders, dummy load and zero drive how can I have RFI?

Everything is bonded together with braid from every component going to a common connection and then to a 8 ft ground rod only 3 ft from the rig. (I drilled a hole in the slab floor and put in a ground rod.)

One evening it works great and the next morning (and subsequently) it is reverb city.


Patrick AF5CK

-----Original Message----- From: k4...@fastmail.fm
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 5:39 PM
To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] E C H O ECHO echo

Patrick, I had the same problem with my 5000 and it turned out to be
Some station rewiring and reorienting the antenna further away from the
shack solved the problem.


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