32' Vizio TV with computer input quiet as a mouse on my 3000


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> On Mar 7, 2014, at 8:33 AM, "William and Susan" <ope...@rcn.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> As I have mentioned in the past few weeks my monitor is wiping out my two 
> meter radio.  Although I have noted been aware of it I would bet it is 
> getting into my 3000 as well.   I have loaded this thing with ferrite beads, 
> cores, and clamps to everything on it short of going inside it.  Well, I give 
> up.  It is an RCA TV monitor which allows you to run the computer as well.  
> So, I will dump it.  My question then is, what kind of Computer monitor are 
> you guys using that does not put out all that RF?  Plasma is bad, LED is bad, 
> Again, what are you guys using in the 20 inch range.  
> Thanks Bill
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