On Monday 09 August 2004 02:35, Jim Wilson wrote:
> David said:
> > What IDE do you suggest me?
> No ide is necessary for this type of app.  A good editor like emacs is
> fine. Half the time I just run the first gui editor I think of to do quick
> edits, just because they'll usually support the common shortcut keys.
> > What O.S.?
> For this use any OS you want.  A lot of folks using Linux, most any distro
> will do.  Mandrake is actually fine, gentoo might require a bit more
> experience (or at least patience) to get started.

It's a steep learning curve with gentoo but I think it's worth it.  

I've not had a great amount of experience of other distros having used RH for 
years as a server then only over the past couple of years building my own LFS 
and then the logical progression seemed to be Gentoo when I wanted to migrate 
my workstations to linux.  

There are plenty of friendly folks hanging out on IRC always ready to help, 
plus with a heathly forum (albeit web based), couple of NNTP groups, 
excellent document and a stable quickly updated build tree, it makes for a 
very well rounded distribution that can be quite minimalist.  

Of course I guess debian and any other mainstream distro has all this.


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