On Thu, 1 Dec 2005, David Luff wrote:

I have no experience of plugin architectures, and don't feel competent to
attempt it at the moment.

First of all: there's obviously no panic. (If there were fifty-seven
hard-linked GPS models, AP's etc it would be a problem, ;)

I don't know in detail how plugin interfaces for other software (web
browsers, gimp etc) have been designed, but I reckon the simplest way to do
it (if one is only interested in keeping the text segment from gaining
weight, not caring for independence) is linking the module/object in with
the dlopen() when needed. That shouldn't take much code. (beware of symbol
naming pitfalls, and although dlopen() is POSIX -- how portable it is to
OSX or MSW, I have no idea.)

I did a little experimenting with dynlinking classes in C++ years ago,
trying to be pedantic with the OO, but after finally finding the code on my
messy hd, I discovered I had left it in a state where it doesn't even
build, and I don't remember anymore exactly how it was supposed to be. ;)
(the files are dated feb-mar 1999) I expect there to be better examples
floating about on the net.

But what I did was, in short, rig two base classes: one for the core's view
of the plugin. (the core cannot know the the plugin's real class name) And
one for the plugin's view of the core. (to assure that the plugin is
independent of internal changes in the core) Then the core would hook in
the plugin with dlopen(), and call the plugin (construct it), sending over
a handle to an object of the "Core" class.

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