On 08/09/2012 07:45 AM, Curtis Olson wrote:
> It looks like every time you rebase you have to reapply the same set of
> patches over top the target branch. 

Not true in general.  I've never had a problem like that.

>  So even if I figure out a way through
> it once, I'll have to repeat the same conconction of craziness each time I
> rebase. 


> It complains about whitespace errors, then falls back to a 3-way merge,
> then reports conflicts with all the files in the 2 old directories,

If whitespace were the only problem, you could make the problem
go away using --no-verify.

Also, as others have suggested, when in doubt, doing "git status"
is always a good idea.

>  I think I'm going to create a new branch, untar my changes on top,
> lose all my history and forget about it. 

Creating new branches is cheap and often an excellent idea,
especially if you are uncertain about something and want to

> untar my changes on top,
> lose all my history and forget about it. 

It's not possible to be sure exactly what the problem is without
further information, but it seems likely that there is a simpler
way to get a similar result without losing history, namely:

  git rebase -Xours


  git rebase -s 'recursive -Xours'

You can read the manpage and/or google for more information about
what these options do.

I believe these options require git version 1.7.3 or later.  If you 
need to install a newer git, that's easy and well worthwhile.

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