* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2001.11.26 13:26]:
> I have looked into the flightgear-faq available at flightgear.org.
> Here are some modifications required to the faq to allow people to add 
> scenery objects. 
> 1) The info regarding the Tile entries is being put the stderr if I am not 
> wrong so while redirecting use 2>&1 before pipeing it to tee

Where are you seeing this?  The command line for question 6.5 does do
the stderr redirect correctly.  Are you talking about something else?

> 2) The .ind file doesn't seem to work, how ever the new file .stg which seems 
> to be for a similar purpose (based on my very limited understanding) is where 
> one has to put the OBJECT_STATIC info.

Thanks, I'll update that.
Cameron Moore
/ I asked the librarian where the self-help section was. \
\  She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. /

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