Christian Mayer wrote:
 > But one other observation: I couldn't lift of with the YAsim C310 (172
 > and 747 worked fine). I can accelerate and pull. The front lifts of
 > but i'm not gaining any altitude.

Was your engine RPM stuck at 1700?  There is a version skew problem
with the c310.xml file.  The propeller advance control used to be
called "propellor-pitch", but recent CVS has corrected the spelling to
"propeller-pitch".  The aircraft file still maps the old property
name, which means that you'll be stuck at minimum governor RPM.  I've
attached my current file (it's small) which doesn't have the spelling

I should have a new release ready by the end of the weekend with a bunch
of fixes.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

<airplane mass="3903">

<approach speed="70" aoa="16">
  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" value="0.4"/>
  <control axis="/controls/throttle[1]" value="0.4"/>
  <control axis="/controls/mixture[0]" value="1.0"/>
  <control axis="/controls/mixture[1]" value="1.0"/>
  <control axis="/controls/propeller-pitch[0]" value="0.5"/>
  <control axis="/controls/propeller-pitch[1]" value="0.5"/>
  <control axis="/controls/flaps" value="1.0"/>
<cruise speed="223" alt="20000">
  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" value="1.0"/>
  <control axis="/controls/throttle[1]" value="1.0"/>
  <control axis="/controls/mixture[0]" value="1.0"/>
  <control axis="/controls/mixture[1]" value="1.0"/>
  <control axis="/controls/propeller-pitch[0]" value="1.0"/>
  <control axis="/controls/propeller-pitch[1]" value="1.0"/>
  <control axis="/controls/flaps" value="0.0"/>

<cockpit x="-2.78" y="0.26" z="0.95"/>

<fuselage ax="0.00"  ay="0" az="0"
          bx="-9.50" by="0" bz="0" width="0.8"/>

<wing x="-3.65" y="0.62" z="-0.18" length ="4.68" chord ="1.68"
      sweep="0" dihedral="5" taper="0.8" camber="0.1">
  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
  <flap0 start="0" end=".5" lift="1.5" drag="2.0"/>
  <flap1 start=".55" end=".94" lift="1.3" drag="1.5"/>
  <control axis="/controls/flaps" output="FLAP0"/>
  <control axis="/controls/aileron" output="FLAP1" split="true"/>

<hstab x="-8.33" y="0.22" z="0.07" length ="2.34" chord ="1.24"
       sweep="0" dihedral="0" taper="0.6" camber="0.1">
  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.8"/>
  <control axis="/controls/elevator" output="FLAP0"/>
  <control axis="/controls/elevator-trim" output="FLAP0"/>

<vstab x="-8.26" y="0.00" z="0.26" length ="2.16" chord ="1.61"
       sweep="36" taper="0.5">
  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.5"/>
  <control axis="/controls/rudder" output="FLAP0" invert="true" square="true"/>

<!-- Late model 310's had 50 gallon tip tanks, and 31.5 gallon wing
     tanks.  Some also had nacelle tanks, but those aren't modeled
     here -->
<tank x="-3.62" y="5.30" z="0.44" capacity="300"/>
<tank x="-3.62" y="1.02" z="-0.15" capacity="189"/>
<tank x="-3.62" y="-1.02" z="-0.15" capacity="189"/>
<tank x="-3.62" y="-5.30" z="0.44" capacity="300"/>

<gear x="0.00" y="0.00" z="-1.35" compression=".5" retract-time="7">
  <control axis="/controls/rudder" output="STEER"/>
<gear x="-4.02" y="1.32" z="-1.35" compression=".5" retract-time="7">
  <control axis="/controls/brakes[0]" output="BRAKE"/>
<gear x="-4.02" y="-1.32" z="-1.35" compression=".5" retract-time="7">
  <control axis="/controls/brakes[1]" output="BRAKE"/>

<propeller x="-2.56" y="1.83" z="0.07"
           mass="800" moment="20" radius="1.0"
           eng-power="285" eng-rpm="2700"
           turbo-mul="2" wastegate-mp="40"
           cruise-power="157" cruise-speed="195"
           cruise-rpm="2100" cruise-alt="20000"
           min-rpm="1600" max-rpm="2700">
  <actionpt x="-1.53" y="1.83" z="0.07"/>
  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" output="THROTTLE"/>
  <control axis="/controls/mixture[0]" output="MIXTURE"/>
  <control axis="/controls/propeller-pitch[0]" output="ADVANCE"/>

<propeller x="-2.56" y="-1.83" z="0.07"
           mass="800" moment="20" radius="1.0"
           eng-power="285" eng-rpm="2700"
           turbo-mul="2" wastegate-mp="40"
           cruise-power="157" cruise-speed="195"
           cruise-rpm="2100" cruise-alt="10000"
           min-rpm="1600" max-rpm="2700">
  <actionpt x="-1.53" y="-1.83" z="0.07"/>
  <control axis="/controls/throttle[1]" output="THROTTLE"/>
  <control axis="/controls/mixture[1]" output="MIXTURE"/>
  <control axis="/controls/propeller-pitch[1]" output="ADVANCE"/>

<ballast x="-2.78" y="0.26" z="0.0" mass="180"/> <!-- pilot -->
<ballast x="-8.5" y="0" z="0" mass="-150"/>
<ballast x="-7" y="0" z="0" mass="-300"/>

<weight x="-4.24" y="0" z="0" mass-prop="/yasim/c310/passenger-lbs"/>


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