Curt Olson wrote:
 > 2) As you know, accessing property manager values via static
 > propertynode pointers is more efficient because you only have to do
 > the expensive string name hash lookup once the first time the routine
 > runs.

This is true, but I think the "expense" of the string lookup step is
wildly overestimated.  Compared to the cost of rendering a single
frame, it's noise.  YASim doesn't even bother with the node stuff yet;
it does sprintf/fgSet for every property every frame, and I haven't
noticed any performance issues.

Clearly there are limitations, and for some things efficiency *does*
matter.  But those are the exceptions, not the common case.

 > It would be nice to have a set of static property node accessors set
 > up that any code could use, rather than having each routine
 > duplicate the static propertynode element it needs.

I haven't looked at the code, but how big can a property node be?
It's just a wrapped pointer, maybe with some typing info, right?

 > Perhaps it would make sense to put all these static accessors into
 > FGInterface and creat accessor functions for them? <stepping back
 > out of swinging distance> :-)

Nothing wrong with that.  I can't speak for David, but my problem with
FGInterface isn't that it exists, but that it's required.  I don't see
anything wrong with wrapping the "commonly used" FDM output variables
inside a utility class for other C++ developers to use as they like.
I mean, no one would ask you to write an autopilot via
fgGetFloat(). :)

The problem is when FGInterface it's the *only* way to get stuff out
of the FDM.  Now, my hypothetical gun ammunition counter, or David's
water tank capacity becomes much harder to add.  Instead of doing:

   fgSetFloat("/yasim/consumables/gun[0]/rounds, 400);

I have to add a new method to FGInterface, stub it out with some
default value (easy to forget, which is how we ended up in this
discusion), decide on whether it's gets a variable in the interface
class or just a virtual function, implement it in my own class, map it
to a property, and (worst of all) get the people responsible for all
that code to accept the changes.  All of that before *anyone* doing
panel XML can use the thing.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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