Julian Foad wrote:
 > In my experience, debugging FG (single-stepping, run-to-here, etc.) is
 > almost impossible under GDB and I believe the OpenGL "I'm in charge of
 > the main loop" philosophy is the main cause.

I've successfully and productively run fgfs under gdb just fine.  I'm
not sure there's anything particularly strange about the GLUT main
loop; it's actually pretty standard C.  There's deep voodoo inside of
the glXSwapBuffers() call, but that's not part of the event loop (nor
has it caused any trouble for me that I couldn't blame on driver

I *have* had difficulties getting GDB to recognize symbol names,
however.  Starting it up and trying to set a breakpoint for
YASim::init() doesn't work, but YASim.cxx:123 (that is, the line
number in the file) works just fine, so I never bothered trying to
track this down.  My suspicions, though, point to gcc/gdb being a
little off on their name mangling conventions and/or my use of
namespaces getting in the way.

I've never had trouble with the OpenGL-ness of the thing, anyway.  Are
there particular symptoms you're seeing?

 > Could we abuse OpenGL by making the idle function always request
 > OpenGL to terminate its loop?

Strictly, you're talking about GLUT, not the OpenGL libraries.  And
unfortunately, no.  The GLUT licence doesn't allow redistribution of
modified versions.  There's a FreeGLUT clone that is supposed to work,
I think Norman mentioned a while back that he'd run FlightGear under
this.  Frankly, if we really want to move away from GLUT, for whatever
reason, I'd suggest SDL instead.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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