> Sounds like we need to organize a focus group. :-)

Yeah, that's what the conferences are for ... to _prove_ to the
doubting new users that the simulator does actually work  ...

> I'm worried though that if the new user goes scooting off down the
> runway at 40 knots before they get a chance to focus in on what is
> going on, that will leave a negative impression just as much as
> starting with the engine off or anything else that diverges
> significantly from the 'expected'.

Oh, I don't know.  Given the number of real aircraft that take
off with pieces missing (like ailerons or rudder or the pilot)
or unwanted pieces (like the towbar or the tiedown chain);
having the plane quickly take off completely on its own,
before the user has a chance to do anything to confuse things,
at least proves to the user that the simulation is working.

Perhaps we should have it start up with the engine at full power,
and two notches of right rudder installed using the keyboard
(i.e. it will stay that way until they touch the joystick) ?
I used to need four notches of up-elevator on LaRCsim, but
(from memory) the autotrim on JSBSim avoids even that chore.

This (a) makes show demonstrations easier (b) enhances the
experience for the younger community and (c) can be explained
to veteran pilots as the "expedited departure" method.
After some thought, I recommend this for the 0.7.9 release.

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