> The down side of this is that with the monitoring tools our network
> admins have, we are most definitely no longer under the radar screen.
> In fact the network traffic to/from the flightgear server dwarfs the
> traffic for any other machine here in the department.

Oh, I know what you're talking about. Fortunately the machine I'm running
the German ftp mirror on has been declared as the 'official' ftp server of
our university several months ago (you'll reach the identical contents via
ftp.uni-duisburg.de). So I don't have to care about the radar even though I
experience heavy traffic since tuesday after release.

Maybe you can ask some nice guy who's running the main ftp service of your
university to do the 'official' FlightGear ftp site for you ? Maybe there's
someone else with lots of bandwidth, willing to set up a virtual server
which gets the official 'ftp.flightgear.org' name, running a mirror twice a
day ?

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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