I wrote:
 > David Megginson wrote:
 > > Can someone describe to me where the flaps are located on the body of
 > > a Cessna 310?
 > I finally found a photo (sorry, I don't know where) from underneath a
 > landing plane that looked vaguely like the wing has *split* flaps.

Heh, bingo!  First google site I tried:


It's not a great image, but definitely shows a continuous flap running
about half the length of the wing.  This site has some cornball
navigation scripting (which appears to be broken in Mozilla) that I
had to bypass to find the actual photo.  If it doesn't work for you
for cookie reasons, try getting there from:



Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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